Sunday, May 13, 2012
Here Goes Nothing
Brandi, here, straight out of Oklahoma.I have been reading teacher blogs for years. I love to "borrow" ideas and see what other people are inspired to do in their classrooms. I always think, "I can do that!" After talking with my good friend Hollie, we decided that putting all of our ideas out into the world would be a fun way to stay connected and use each other's ideas and creativity in our classrooms, even though we have never actually gotten to teach together since we were in college!
Hollie is so smart and creative and I can't wait to get started "borrowing" her ideas! She is one of those people who make you look words up in the dictionary and will throw in a gem like "self efficacy" that you haven't used since EIPT 3003! Her grammar will definitely be better than mine as we move into this little experiment, so forgive my errors, reader.
Our grand plan is to post ideas or things we would like to do in the classroom as they come to us. We hope to keep the pictures and the printable copies of the lessons available. Then, ones friend will post a lesson, connection, or idea that would work in their classroom. I teach intermediate grades and until recently, so did Hollie. She has realized a passion for early childhood that we all saw in her at the beginning. She also has amazing ideas for special education.
Buckle up, folks! Okie teachers are on the Internet. You are going to love my teacher friend. She is a hoot and I bet you are too:)