Thursday, January 8, 2015

FREEBIE: Treats for Teachers Tags: January

Hi Teacher Friends!

I did a little teacher appreciation surprise for my staff this week. Let's face it, coming back in January is hard to do. I knew by Wednesday we would all be dragging and struggling to re-acclimate to standing all day and not getting to pee when we need to.

Let's add that is has been brutally cold here in Oklahoma to the mix.

So, on Wednesday, I brought in some tea bags and lemons and homemade cookies and set them all up in the lounge with an urn of hot water. Here is what it looked like:

You can't see the cookies because those suckers were gone in just a few minutes! However, can you see the funny note my principal left? She attached it to the sleepytime tea that came in one of the variety packs. It says, "Do not drink this until you get home!" Isn't that hilarious?

My computer is also in the background. Just to be silly I added some festive polka music. January is National Polka Music Month, National Hot Tea Month, and National Soup Month to name a few. 

I went ahead and made a freebie of the tags and signs I created. I also already finished February! Click the link to take you to the FREEBIE. 

I think that later this month I will bring in some instant soup packets for teachers to have for lunch and attach these SOUPer tags to them. 

I appreciate all you do!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Baaaaahck to School: The Goat

Funny story.

On my way to school yesterday, as I approached the parking lot, I noticed a sign on the side of the road that read, "Found GOAT."I seriously considered turning around and taking a picture. Let's be honest. The only reason I didn't was...I was very close to being late. Okay, full disclosure? I was one minute late already.

As I cruised into the school zone, parked my car, and briskly waddled across the parking lot with my big bag o' school junk, I noticed many of our students hanging out of bus windows. Then I saw it.....

This little guy was actually butting a parent in the derriere. I asked said parent if the goat (hereafter known as simply "Goat") was his... no, no he wasn't. 

As a teacher attempted to enter the building, so did the goat. I actually had to steer Goat away from the door while kids hollered, "Don't let him in again!" 


Apparently Goat had already greeted the office ladies and been sent outside to greet everyone else. 

He seemed quite tame and was noisily chatting with animal control as they came to pick him up. I imagine Goat being treated well at a large and lady goat filled farm. 

How was your first day back?